
With BarCodeReader you can give to your robot the capability to read a bar code and perform some operation according to the value of the code read.

Bar code reader is written in the NXT-G environment to give to everyone the possibility to use it in its project.

Following  these simple steps you can realize  your own barcode driven robot!

  1. Equip your explorer robot with the light sensor pointed to the floor to a distance of 1,0 -1,5 cm from it   (see close up in gallery).
  2. Download the BarCodeReader block and save it under your my blocks directory  (usually C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\Documents\LEGO Creations\MINDSTORMS Projects\Profiles\Default\Blocks\My Blocks)
  3. Download the Excel file containing the bar code and print them or make your own barcodes following these simple rules.
  4. Make your project using the  BarCodeReader block with input in NumOfBar plug of number of black strips of your code -1. If you use the BarCode.xls file downloaded from this site, the right value is 5. Read the page Technical Informations for furter informations.
  5. Optionally, you can download the GetStarted sample project (remember to copy the  BarCodeReader block in the right position -see step 2)
    In this case remember that the right sheet to use is the one labeled 23-30.
  6. A black bar is recognized if the ligth sensor read a value < 45. A Value >=45 is interpreted as a white bar. Before launch the program place the light sensor of the robot in a black and in a white area. If the black value or the white area are near to the trigger value of 45 take the right action:
    - move the light sensor a litlle up or down;
    - make a more darker print of the barcode;
    -change the trigger value by editing the barcode.rbt block. (Advanced user only).




 Technical Informations



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